WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions The Bar vs. Shane McMahon & The Miz.
Miz and Shane greeted Miz’s dad at ringside before the bout.
Shane went right after Sheamus at the bell, chasing him out of the ring. Miz then controlled Cesaro early. Sheamus knocked Shane off the apron, allowing him to get control over Miz. Cesaro snapped Miz’s throat on the ropes as the referee admonished Sheamus. They attempted to put Miz through a table on the floor. Shane made the save and placed Cesaro on one of the announcers’ tables. Shane went to the top for the flying elbow but Sheamus attacked Miz, who was holding Cesaro down and drilled him into the ringpost. Shane dove off the top onto Sheamus. Cesaro nailed him with a big uppercut.
Cesaro tossed Shane into the ring barrier. The Bar worked over Miz in the ring and scored a pinfall. Miz was worked over by Sheamus, trapped in an overhead hammerlock. Miz tried to fight his way out, but Sheamus blocked a suplex attempt. Miz was positioned on the apron and beaten across the chest with clubbing blows by Sheamus.
Cesaro tagged in and scored a two count on Miz. Cesaro worked him over with a chinlock. Miz tried to fight away for a tag but was brought back to the Champions’ corner, where Sheamus tagged in and was stomped over and over. Miz tried to steal a pinfall with a rollup but Sheamus kicked out and drove Miz back into submission with a hard blow. Cesaro came off the top with an axehandle as Sheamus held him but Miz again kicked out. The Bar continued to beat down Miz.
Miz finally made the tag. Shane cleaned house and teased Coast to Coast on Sheamus. Cesaro nailed him and did the big swing. Shane trapped him out of nowhere with a triangle choke and it appeared Cesaro was going to go down but Sheamus made the save. Miz returned to the fray but was clotheslined on the floor.
Sheamus tagged in and The Bar nailed a double-team White Noise with Cesaro coming off the ropes to add to the momentum. Shane kicked up. Sheamus went for the Brogue Kick but Miz interfered and Cesaro was nailed. Miz took out Sheamus. Shane came off the top with a shooting star press and scored the pin. Move over Jushin Liger!
Your winners and new WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions, Shane McMahon & The Miz!
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