May 13, 2020 Reading time: 2 min
Money in the Bank 2020 Results

Jeff Hardy vs. Cesaro

They locked up. Cesaro was sent into the ropes but tackled Hardy down for a two count. They grappled in the ring but Cesaro caught Hardy in a side headlock, grinding away to wear him down. Hardy reversed and was sent into the ropes, this time being the one who tackled Cesaro down. Hardy nailed an atomic drop and snapmared Cesaro over,.

Hardy went to the floor and charged, diving off the steps at Cesaro, but was caught and slammed down across the barricade, crashing over to outside the ringside area, Hardy was almost counted out but made it back inside the ring in time. Cesaro used his boot to squeeze Hardy’s face into the mat, then choked him against the ropes. He snapped Hardy’s neck into the ropes.

Cesaro continued working over Hardy, scoring several two counts. Hardy reversed a whip into the corner and nailed a right hand. He drilled Cesaro with a kick that sent him to the outside. Hardy dropkicked Cesaro through the ropes. He went to whip Cesaro into the the digital ring apron but Swiss star reversed it and Hardy nailled them hard. Cesaro tossed him into the ring and nailed a legdrop off the ropes on Hardy for a two count.

Hardy fought off Cesaro in the corner and nailed Whisper in the Wind for a two count. Cesaro battled back with big uppercuts but was caught with a backslide for a two count. Hardy snapped him with the Twist of Fate (Yes, Michael Cole called it that, as did Corey Graves) but Cesaro kicked out of the move. Cesaro cut off Hardy and scored several two counts. Cesaro went for the Gotch Neutralizer but was backdropped over. He landed on his feet and drilled Hardy with a lariat for a two count.

Hardy rolled to the floor. Cesaro drilled him with a big running uppercut. Cesaro went to whip Hardy into the steps but Hardy reversed and Cesaro crashed over the steps. The story was that he hit knee first, which he had been selling earlier. Hardy tossed him into the ring and scored the pin after a swanton off the top.

Your winner, Jeff Hardy!

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