February 28, 2021 Reading time: 3 min
Smackdown Results-February 26th,2021

– We go back to the ring and out comes Seth Rollins as the pyro goes off. Rollins marches down the ramp as flames shoot up on each side. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Rollins talks about the complaint he sent WWE management last week. He goes on about how it got a great response and trended on social media. He’s quickly interrupted by the music of Cesaro. Cesaro marches to the ring and looks ready to fight. Rollins starts pleading and talks about how they go back a long way together.

Rollins says what previously happened wasn’t his fault and won’t happen again. Rollins says last week he didn’t call Cesaro a loser, Twitter just blew what he said way out of proportion. Rollins asks for a chance to make it right. Rollins goes on about how Cesaro is a star. Just look at you. Who says Cesaro can’t grab that brass ring and crack that glass ceiling. He goes on about Cesaro’s strength and skills. Rollins says Cesaro has it all so why is it that he always seems to come up short? Fans boo Rollins’ question. Rollins asks what is it that Cesaro is missing? Rollins will tell him what it is because Rollins has it. It’s called killer instinct. Rollins has it and he can give it to Cesaro.

Rollins came back to lead SmackDown into the future and he will start by leading Cesaro, if he will let him. Rollins has grabbed the brass ring and shattered the glass ceiling, he’s done everything Cesaro has only dreamed of, but he wants to give that to Cesaro. Rollins tells him to imagine them working together on SmackDown. They would be unstoppable. Rollins goes on and says if Cesaro would’ve listened two weeks ago he would’ve ended up winning the Elimination Chamber and would be Universal Champion now. Rollins mentions a second chance and tells Cesaro to embrace the vision, let him lead. Fans boo. Rollins tells Cesaro he doesn’t have to answer now, take a week or two weeks, think it over and come back.

Rollins says he will be waiting, he is ready. Cesaro tackles Rollins and positions him for the Cesaro Swing. Rollins yells for Cesaro to put him down. Cesaro starts swinging Rollins, and again. Cesaro finally lets go and Rollins gets up stumbling around, dazed. Cesaro levels Rollins with a big uppercut. Cesaro exits the ring as his music hits while fans cheer him on.

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