ROH Champion Jonathan Gresham vs. Claudio Castagnoli.
Starting with the World title? We are then told that the tag team title matches will be the main event. William Regal joins commentary.
Claudio goes for the uppercut to start and Grasham dodges it. Gresham and Claudio start battling with a wrist lock. They break. They go for a greco roman knuckle lock and Claudio picks the legs and gets the big swing. Claudio goes for a pin and Gresham bridges out. Gresham goes to the apron and gets a dragon screw on Claudio. Claudio is able to block an Irish whip and reverses it on him. They do it again, and when they greek, Gresham is able to take Claudio down and then drop kicks his knees, keeping him down.
Gresham goes for a leg lock and the battle in the leg lock. Gresham tries for a figure four , and Claudio kicks him off. Gresham goes to the apron again and they battle in the ropes. Claudio is finally able to slam Gresham back into the ring for a two count. Gresham is able to attack in the corner again and then goes after Claudio’s knees. Greshma leaps at Claudio and Claudio snatches him from the air and hits a back breaker for a two count. Claudio gets another slam and a two count.
Claudio tries for the sharp shooter and Gresham is able to block it so Claudio hits a double stomp for a two count. Gresham go9es back to attacking the knee. Gresham tries for a suplex, and Claudio backs him into the corner. Gresham is able to get a drop kick and an ankle lock. Claudio gets to the rope for a break. Gresham hits a series of chops. Gresham calls for a chop from Claudio, which is instead a pair of uppercuts. Gresham goes back to the knees, gets an insigiri.
Claudio is able to get Gresham up, but his knee gives out and Gresham gets a moonsault into an ankle lock. Gresham is then able to get a German and hold on for a two. He then goes for a series of quick two count. Claudio gets an upper cut, but Gresham gets out of a slam and then trade two counts.Claudio is able to get the hammer and anvil elbows, and as some foreign object falls from Gresham’s hands, Claudio gets the Ricola Bomb for the pin and the three.
Winner and NEW Ring of Honor Champion: Claudio Castagnoli.
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