Cesaro vs. Lince Dorado
Back from the break and out come the SmackDown Tag Team Champions – Cesaro with Shinsuke Nakamura. The Lucha House Party is out next – Lince Dorado with Gran Metalik. Greg Hamilton does the introductions. We get a sidebar video from earlier today with Dorado and Metalik talking about showing Cesaro how to party tonight.
Back and forth to start the match. Cesaro easily takes control and drops Dorado. Dorado tries to power up but Cesaro clotheslines him. Dorado ends up sending Cesaro out. The lights flicker again and Graves jokes about RETRIBUTION. Dorado runs the ropes and leaps out but Cesaro catches him. Dorado counters and stands on the barrier. He leaps off with a hurricanrana, sending Cesaro into the apron. Dorado brings it back in and they tangle. Dorado rocks Cesaro with a kick but Dorado flies and Cesaro catches him in mid-move. Cesaro with a backbreaker for a 2 count.
Cesaro keeps Dorado grounded in the middle of the ring now, working him over. Cesaro with a 2 count as he shows some frustration now. The crowd rallies as Cesaro grounds Dorado again. Dorado fights up and out. More back and forth again. Dorado catches Cesaro with a big springboard Stunner for a pop. Dorado with a moonsault from the bottom rope, then the middle rope. Dorado goes up for a third moonsault but Nakamura runs interference from the apron.
Dorado swings and Nakamura goes back to the floor but Cesaro takes advantage and turns it around. Cesaro goes for a big Razor’s Edge Bomb but Dorado counters and takes him down for a 2 count. Cesaro quickly takes back control with an uppercut, then nails the Gotch Neutralizer in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.
Winner: Cesaro
– After the match, Nakamura joins Cesaro in the ring and they stand tall with the titles as the music hits. We go to replays.
– Sarah Schreiber is backstage with Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura. Cesaro isn’t happy with the idea that a win over The New Day would be an upset. He goes on about all the reasons he’s sick of The New Day and how long he’s been sick of them. He says he’s sick of them representing the tag team division but that will change tonight. Nakamura says we will have new champions tonight.
SmackDown Tag Team Titles Match: Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura vs. The New Day
We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event and out come SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day – Kofi Kingston and Big E. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and out comes Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura. Greg Hamilton, who is back in the ring this week, does formal ring introductions. Nakamura and Kofi go at it to start. Nakamura mounts some offense for an early 2 count. The crowd and Big E try to rally for Kofi. Cesaro comes in and overpowers Kofi, hitting a big gutwrench suplex. Cesaro with more offense and a quick pin attempt. Nakamura comes right back in and keeps Kofi near their corner.
Kofi avoids a double team and hits a big dropkick on Cesaro. Kofi beats Cesaro down in The New Day’s corner and stomps away. Big E tags in and they do the Unicorn Stomp. More quick tags and stomps to keep Cesaro down in the corner. Big E launches Kofi into Cesaro while he’ down. Cesaro and Nakamura re-group on the floor. Big E launches Kofi out of the ring to the floor but Cesaro hits a huge uppercut in mid-air. Kofi lands hard and Cesaro stands tall on the floor as we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Nakamura is in control of Kofi. We see how Kofi was dominated during the commercial. Nakamura grounds Kofi now but Big E and the crowd start to rally. Kofi tries to fight up and out of a hold now. Kofi fights off a reverse Exploder. Kofi drops Nakamura with the SOS but barely hits. Big E waits for the tag, as does Cesaro. Kofi crawls to the corner but Cesaro comes in. So does Big E. Big E launches Cesaro with a big belly-to-belly suplex, and another.
They go at it and Big E hits another big belly-to-belly for a pop in the middle of the ring. Big E misses the splash as Cesaro rolls out of the way. Big E knocks Nakamura off the apron but Cesaro rolls Big E for a 2 count. Cesaro rocks Big E with an uppercut. Cesaro with a running uppercut in the corner and big back elbows to the face. Cesaro with more strikes in the corner as the referee warns him. Cesaro mounts Big E in the corner and keeps control. Kofi tags in and turns it around, hitting a big top rope Meteora on Cesaro. Kofi covers but Nakamura breaks it up with a sliding knee to the face.
Nakamura drops Kofi with a kick now. The referee orders Nakamura back out. Kofi rolls Cesaro for a 2 count. Nakamura ends up rocking Kofi with a cheap shot, allowing Cesaro to get in another shot and a pin attempt. Nakamura tags in and tries to put Kofi away but Big E makes the save. Big E gets sent to the floor. Kofi fights off both opponents now, getting out of their corner but Cesaro tags in. Big E comes right back in and stops the double team on Kofi. Both teams brawl and the referee calls the match.
– After the bell, Cesaro and Big E brawl to the floor. Cesaro sends Big E into the announce table as the boos get louder. Cesaro bridges a table from the apron to the floor. Cesaro and Nakamura launch Big E into the steel ring steps. Kofi leaps off the announce table but Cesaro and Nakamura double team him at ringside. They ram Kofi spine-first into the apron and Kofi goes down. Cesaro and Nakamura bring the table into the ring now. They also bring Kofi in, then Big E. Cesaro stands the table up in the middle of the ring. Cesaro slaps Big E and talks trash. Nakamura kicks Big E onto the table. Cesaro positions Big E on the table now. Cesaro goes to the top and Nakamura lifts Kofi to him. They double team Kofi and put him through Big E on top of the table. The crowd boos Cesaro and Nakamura some more. Big E and Kofi are laid out on the table debris now. Cesaro and Nakamura stand tall and pose over them as Nakamura’s music hits. We go to replays. Nakamura and Cesaro drop the titles on The New Day and stand over them as SmackDown goes off the air.
– We go back to the ring and out come the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions – Sasha Banks and SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley. They join the announcers for commentary. Back to commercial.
The New Day vs. Lucha House Party
We go back to the ring and out come SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day – Big E and Kofi Kingston. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Sasha Banks and SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley are on commentary. Lucha House Party’s Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado are out next for this non-title match.
Dorado goes at it with Kofi early on. Dorado with a 2 count that stunt Kofi some. They trade out of the counters and do a stalemate in the middle of the ring now. Kofi and Lince with more back and forth. Kofi runs into a kick to the face from Metalik as he tags in. Metalik jumps off Lince’s shoulders for a 2 count on Kofi. Big E tags in and hits a big belly-to-belly on Metalik, and another. Lince runs in and he gets launched out by Big E. We see Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura watching in the back.
Kofi gets sent back to the floor. Lince and Metalik double team Big E in the ring. Metalik leaps out to take Kofi back down on the floor, right before Lince flies high and takes Big E back down on the floor to a pop. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Big E hits a big splash on Lince in the corner for a 2 count. Big E grounds him with an abdominal stretch now. Lince turns it around but they’re both slow to crawl. Kofi and Metalik finally get the hot tag. Metalik and Kofi unload on each other. Metalik gets the upperhand and slams Kofi face-first into the mat. Metalik comes off the top and sends Kofi back down face-first for a 2 count. The crowd rallies for The New Day now. Metalik blocks Trouble In Paradise. Big E stops Lince from the double team. Metalik slams Kofi from his shoulders. Lince flies off the top for the pin but Big E saves it. Big E gets double teamed now.
Kofi then gets superkicked by both challengers after they send Big E out. Metalik goes to the top but Big E shoves him off. Kofi dodges a flying shot from Lince. Kofi drops Lince with the Trouble In Paradise. Kofi goes back to the top and hits the assisted Big Ending for the pin to win.
Winners: The New Day
– As soon as the bell hits, Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura rush the ring and destroy Big E and Kofi. Cesaro drops Big E with a Neutralizer in the middle of the ring. Cesaro swings Big E around and launches him right into a Kinshasa from Nakamura. Cesaro and Nakamura go to the announce table to greet Banks and Bayley. He yells about being sick and tired of how they are treated when they’re a top team. 8 years!, says Cesaro. And this is how he’s treated? Cesar and Nakamura are upset as they leave.
Jeff Hardy vs. Cesaro
They locked up. Cesaro was sent into the ropes but tackled Hardy down for a two count. They grappled in the ring but Cesaro caught Hardy in a side headlock, grinding away to wear him down. Hardy reversed and was sent into the ropes, this time being the one who tackled Cesaro down. Hardy nailed an atomic drop and snapmared Cesaro over,.
Hardy went to the floor and charged, diving off the steps at Cesaro, but was caught and slammed down across the barricade, crashing over to outside the ringside area, Hardy was almost counted out but made it back inside the ring in time. Cesaro used his boot to squeeze Hardy’s face into the mat, then choked him against the ropes. He snapped Hardy’s neck into the ropes.
Cesaro continued working over Hardy, scoring several two counts. Hardy reversed a whip into the corner and nailed a right hand. He drilled Cesaro with a kick that sent him to the outside. Hardy dropkicked Cesaro through the ropes. He went to whip Cesaro into the the digital ring apron but Swiss star reversed it and Hardy nailled them hard. Cesaro tossed him into the ring and nailed a legdrop off the ropes on Hardy for a two count.
Hardy fought off Cesaro in the corner and nailed Whisper in the Wind for a two count. Cesaro battled back with big uppercuts but was caught with a backslide for a two count. Hardy snapped him with the Twist of Fate (Yes, Michael Cole called it that, as did Corey Graves) but Cesaro kicked out of the move. Cesaro cut off Hardy and scored several two counts. Cesaro went for the Gotch Neutralizer but was backdropped over. He landed on his feet and drilled Hardy with a lariat for a two count.
Hardy rolled to the floor. Cesaro drilled him with a big running uppercut. Cesaro went to whip Hardy into the steps but Hardy reversed and Cesaro crashed over the steps. The story was that he hit knee first, which he had been selling earlier. Hardy tossed him into the ring and scored the pin after a swanton off the top.
Your winner, Jeff Hardy!
Daniel Bryan, Drew Gulak and Otis (the Mystery Partner) vs. King Baron Corbin, Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro
We go to the ring for tonight’s six-man main event as King Baron Corbin comes out first. Cesaro is out next, followed by Shinsuke Nakamura.
Back from the break and we see the mystery hacker. The shadowy figure is at his control panel. He says we’re watching and listening. The video flashes images of Tamina Snuka and Lacey Evans, SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day, Sasha Banks and SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley, and Carmella and Dana Brooke. Was this meant to tease heel turns for Evans, Big E, Carmella, or a swerve? The best thing about anger is you can always hear it before you can see it, the hooded hacker says. He plays a voicemail with a woman saying “payback is coming and it’s coming real soon.” Now “The truth will be heard” flashes on the screen. We go back to the ring and out comes Daniel Bryan and Gulak. Their mystery partner is out next – Otis.
The bell rings and Bryan unloads on Corbin for payback over lat week. Corbin fights back and drops Bryan. Corbin goes for a Boston Crab but Bryan blocks it. Bryan mounts Corbin with rights and lefts. Bryan kicks Corbin again and tags Gulak in for a quick double team. Corbin with a right hand to Gulak’s throat to turn it around. Corbin talks trash and holds Gulak’s face but Gulak fights back and dropkicks him, sending him to the floor for a breather.
Cesaro and Gulak are legal now as they go at it. Cesaro drops Gulak with a big shoulder. Cesaro runs again and they tangle again. Gulak catches Cesaro with a big powerslam for a 2 count. Nakamura ends up nailing Gulak with a big uppercut while the referee is distracted by Corbin. Cesaro with a Gutwrench suplex to Gulak for a close 2 count. Nakamura comes in and works Gulak over. Gulak gets to Otis and makes the tag. Otis unloads on Nakamura and then knocks the other two off the apron. Otis and Nakamura tangle and Otis slams him. Otis calls for the Caterpillar on Nakamura and he hits it, dropping the elbow.
Cesaro runs in but Otis drives him into the mat. Gulak and Bryan toss Cesaro to the floor where Nakamura and Corbin are. The two teams face off with the babyfaces standing tall in the ring. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Corbin has Bryan grounded in the middle of the ring. We see how Corbin tossed Bryan over the barrier to the concrete during the break. Bryan fights up and out now. He swings at the others on the apron but Corbin drops him. Bryan comes back and kicks Corbin’s knee out. Otis and Gulak wait for tags. Cesaro tags in and knocks Otis off the apron with a big boot. Gulak tags in and rocks Cesaro. Gulak beats Cesaro into the corner with strikes. The referee warns Gulak as he stomps away. Gulak catches a kick and launches Cesaro over his head.
Cesaro puts Gulak on the top and hits a big uppercut. Gulak keeps fighting and tosses Cesaro, rolling through for a Chicken Wing submission. Cesaro powers up and slams Gulak down to break the hold. Corbin tags in as Gulak clotheslines Cesaro to the floor. Corbin comes in but Gulak beats him down. Gulak goes for a Gu-Lock on Corbin. Nakamura breaks it. Otis drops Nakamura from behind. Cesaro and Otis go at it now. Otis takes kicks and just hulks up. Otis dumps Cesaro over the top to the floor. Corbin sends Otis over the top to the floor to interrupt his celebration. Gulak rolls Corbin up for a 2 count from behind.
Corbin and Gulak keep trading offense. Gulak with a flying clothesline from the middle rope for a 2 count. Cesaro sends Otis into the ring post. Bryan with a running knee to Cesaro. Nakamura with a big kick to Bryan’s head on the floor. They’re all down on the outside now. Corbin has Gulak in the ring, catching him with a Deep Six out of nowhere for the pin to win.
Winners: King Corbin, Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro
– After the match, Corbin stands tall as his music hits. We see the Money In the Bank briefcases hanging above the ring. Cesaro and Nakamura hold Gulak as Corbin grabs his scepter. Bryan and Otis make the save. Otis and Bryan fight Cesaro and Nakamura on the floor now, sending them over the barrier near production. Gulak runs at ringside, jumps on top of the barrier, and then leaps off to take all four of them down on the concrete. The five of them brawl to the back. Corbin is left alone at ringside now. Corbin sees this and looks up at the briefcases. Corbin brings a ladder into the ring. Corbin places the ladder under the briefcase and starts climbing.
Bryan runs back and beats him off the ladder. Bryan unloads with kicks in the corner now. Corbin sends Bryan into the ladder and it goes down. Corbin climbs the ladder again for the briefcase but Otis has returned to the ring. Otis fights Corbin into the corner. Otis grabs the ladder and drives it into Corbin’s face, knocking him back down. Otis stands the ladder up again and starts climbing but the bottom rung breaks. He tries to climb again but breaks another rung. Corbin runs in and sends Otis into the ladder. Corbin sends Otis into the corner, then out to the floor. Bryan brings another ladder in but Corbin stomps away on him. Bryan catches a big boot and takes Corbin down with the Dragon Screw leg whip. Bryan stands another ladder up under the briefcase. Corbin knocks Bryan off, sending him throat-first over the top rope. Corbin sends Bryan over the top to the floor, on top of Otis. Corbin goes back in and climbs the ladder. He takes a briefcase and raises it in the air while sitting on top of the ladder. Corbin raises the briefcase as his music plays. The Money In the Bank go-home edition of SmackDown on FOX goes off the air.
Shinsuke Nakamura’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring.
Braun says this should be funny and he asks Nakamura what does he want.
Nakamura says that when opportunity knocks on the door, you better open the door, so he says Knock Knock and Braun says nothing. Nakamura says that Braun was supposed to say ‘Who’s There’. Nakamura says he heard Braun talk about his Wrestlemania moment, the last time we saw you, we beat you.
Braun says no one tuned in to Smackdown to hear you talk so he tells Nakamura to watch out while he knocks knocks knocks you down.
Nakamura says Braun reminds him of a Japanese proverb. The weak are the meat and the strong eat.
Braun tells Nakamura later tonight, he is going to get these hands.
Cesaro tries to attack Braun from behind but Braun sends Cesaro over the top rope to the floor. Nakamura with a round kick and he leaves the ring.
We go to commercial.
Match Number Five: Braun Strowman versus Shinsuke Nakamura (with Cesaro) for the WWE Universal Championship
Nakamura with kicks to the leg. Nakamura misses a kick but Strowman does not miss and he follows with a head butt. Strowman with a biel and facebuster. Nakamura is sent to the floor. Braun goes to the floor and he backs Cesaro up and Nakamura tries to punch Strowman but Braun blocks it and he punches Nakamura and sends him into the ring. Nakamura with a knee when Braun tries to get back into the ring. Nakamura is sent ribs first onto the ringside barrier as we go to commercial.
We are back and Strowman with an Irish whip and then he sends Nakamura into the air and Nakamura lands face first on the mat. Strowman sends Nakamura into the turnbuckles and hits a splash. Nakamura escapes a slam attempt and Nakamura iwht a kick. Cesaro with a European uppercut from the apron and Nakamura with a knee for a near fall. Nakamura with a reverse chin lock. Strowman with a side slam and a splash into the corner. Strowman knocks Cesaro off the apron and Nakamua with a boot but Strowman with a clothesline as he bounces off the ropes.
Nakamura goes to the floor and he knocks Nakamura down with a shoulder tackle. Braun sends Nakamura into the ring but he is not done and he sends Cesaro over the ringside barrier. Nakamura with a knee and he gets a near fall. Strowman with a running power slam for the three count.
Winner: Braun Strowman (retains Championship)
Match Number One: Drew Gulak versus Cesaro
Gulak with a wrist lock and he takes Cesaro to the mat. Cesaro with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Cesaro with a back breaker for a near fall. Gulak escapes the Gotch Style Neutralizer and goes for an arm bar. Gulak with a triangle but Cesaro rolls Gulak up and gets a near fall followed by a one arm power bomb. Cesaro sets for the Neutralizer but Gulak escapes and applies a crossface. Cesaro gets to the ropes. Gulak sends Cesaro over the top rope to the floor. Gulak with a clothesline off the apron but Cesaro with a forearm.
Gulak clotheslines Cesaro over the top rope again. Gulak comes off the apron and he is caught by Cesaro but Gulak escapes with a head scissors. Gulak sends Cesaro into the ring steps a few times and then they return to the ring and Gulak goes up top. Gulak comes off and is met with a European uppercut. Cesaro gets a near fall. Gulak gets a near fall. Gulak with a Fujiwara arm bar but Cesaro gets to his feet and he connects with knees. Gulak with a sunset flip as Cesaro tries for a leap frog.
Cesaro with a slam and a forearm. Gulak escapes the Neutralizer and Cesaro with a European uppercut and the UFO for the three count.
Winner: Cesaro
Corey says that Sami Zayn has to be feeling good after Cesaro’s victory while Peter wonders if it will affect Daniel later tonight.
Match Number Four: Intercontinental Championship Match: Sami Zayn (with Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro) versus Daniel Bryan (with Drew Gulak)
Sami gets some advise from Cesaro and Nakamura. Zayn goes to the floor and says that Bryan is crowding him. Zayn returns to the ring and then goes to the floor. Zayn gets back into the ring but he goes back to the floor when Bryan moves to him. Bryan chases Zayn on the floor and Cesaro gets in the way. Zayn gets in the ring and Bryan goes back in but they go back to the floor. Nakamura blocks Bryan’s path to Zayn. Zayn returns to the ring. Zayn gets back to the floor and Zayn crawls away and Nakamura and Cesaro block Bryan’s path. Gulak with a cross body off the apron onto Nakamura and Cesaro. Gulak sends Cesaro and Nakamura over the ringside barrier. Zayn wants to attack Gulak but Gulak sees him.
Bryan tells Gulak to let him go. Zayn starts to walk up the ramp but Bryan attacks Zayn from behind and punches him. Bryan sends Sami back into the ring. Bryan with a single leg take down and then he punches Zayn while Sami begs for mercy. Bryan with knees and Zayn tries to get out of the ring. Bryan stops Zayn and Bryan with a kick to the hamstring and back. Bryan with punches to Zayn. Zayn rolls to the floor and Bryan with a suicide dive. Bryan with kicks to the chest and they return to the ring. Bryan goes up top and hits a missile drop kick. Bryan pulls Sami into the middle of the ring and connects with crossfaces. Bryan sends Sami into the turnbuckles and Bryan slaps Zayn.
Bryan with kicks to the chest. Bryan with a running drop kick. Sami wants to talk to Bryan but Bryan with knees to the chest. Sami goes to the apron but Bryan brings him back in but Sami with an elbow and punches. Sami with a clothesline. Sami slaps Bryan and then he connects with a forearm and chops. Sami with forearms and Bryan with a flying clothesline. Bryan with kicks to the chest. Bryan with boots to the chest. Gulak tells Bryan it is time to put him away but Cesaro and Nakamura attack Gulak. Bryan with a suicide dive onto Cesaro and Nakamura.
Bryan goes up top and Sami with a boot for the three count.
Winner: Sami Zayn (retains Championship)
– We see Shinsuke Nakamura, Cesaro and WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn backstage walking.
Daniel Bryan and Drew Gulak vs. Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura
We go back to the ring and out comes Daniel Bryan and Drew Gulak. They try to get the “yes!” chant going for the empty arena. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and we see Bryan and Gulak warming up together in the ring. Out next comes Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura with WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn leading them to the ring. Greg Hamilton does the introductions.
Bryan starts off with Nakamura and they trade holds, sizing each other up. Sami has joined Cole on commentary. Bryan takes control and tags in Gulak for a quick double team. Cesaro makes his way in but Gulak takes him down with a scissors and grounds him. More back and forth now. Nakamura is legal now as is Bryan. Bryan fights back and connects with an uppercut. Nakamura tags in Cesaro as he kicks Bryan. Bryan sends Nakamura out to the floor. Bryan ends up sending Nakamura over the table, almost into Sami’s lap. Cesaro unloads now, taking out both opponents with power moves as Sami stands up and cheers him on. Cesaro has words with the referee while the others are down on the outside. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and the heels keep control. Cesaro works Bryan around and tags Nakamura back in. Nakamura drops Bryan and hits a big knee drop for another 2 count. Cesaro with another tag as they keep Bryan grounded, working him around and back into the corner. Cesaro with a big right hand. Cesaro whips Bryan in the corner and keeps following up with running European uppercuts.
Gulak and Nakamura tag in at the same time. Gulak nails a big dropkick. Gulak unloads with strikes against the ropes as the referee warns him. Gulak with a big German suplex for a close 2 count. They tangle on the mat and Nakamura applies an armbar. Gulak turns it into a 2 count. Nakamura levels Gulak with a big kick to the jaw out of nowhere. Cesaro and Nakamura with the big double team now. Gulak kicks out at 2. Cesaro with another big uppercut and more offense on Gulak. Bryan ends up dropped out on the floor and Sami taunts him.
Gulak fights off Cesaro and Nakamura in the ring, looking for a comeback. Gulak manages to level Nakamura with a big clothesline as they both go down. Gulak can’t tag because Bryan is still down on the floor. Cesaro and Gulak go at it in the middle of the ring now. Gulak keeps fighting Cesaro off. Bryan comes back to the apron and tags in for the double team. Bryan ends up rolling Cesaro for the pin as Gulak stops Nakamura from coming back in to make the save.
Winners: Daniel Bryan and Drew Gulak
– After the match, Sami yells at the referee and claims Bryan wasn’t legal. Bryan’s music hits as he and Gulak start celebrating. We go to replays. Bryan and Gulak talk some trash back to Sami.
– Kayla Braxton is backstage with Cesaro. He introduces new WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn and in he comes with Shinsuke Nakamura. Kayla says they’re not scheduled for this segment. Sami disagrees. Kayla says they’ve been bumped from the segment. Sami and his crew leave to continue their celebration. Kayla introduces her real guest and out comes Jeff Hardy to make his return to TV.
– We see Daniel Bryan in the back now. He walks up on Drew Gulak. Bryan says he’s been looking for Gulak. Gulak doesn’t believe him and goes to leave but Bryan stops him. Bryan gives Gulak praise for his performance at Elimination Chamber. Bryan says he’s willing to learn if Gulak is still willing to teach. Sami Zayn, Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura walk up. Sami laughs and brings up how Bryan turned down his invite to join their group a while back. Sami goes on and says Bryan has now been reduced to asking for tips from a nobody. Bryan steps to Sami but Cesaro gets in the way. Bryan says his issue is with Sami, not Cesaro. Cesaro says if Bryan has an issue wit Sami, he has one with Cesaro as well. Bryan asks if that’s a challenge and Sami says it is. They have more words and Bryan tells them to meet him in the ring. Bryan walks off. Gulak steps up and has a few words for Sami, then walks off. Sami indicates that Cesaro and Nakamura will be wrestling Gulak and Bryan.
Daniel Bryan vs. Cesaro
We go back to the ring and out comes Daniel Bryan with Drew Gulak. Triple H starts speaking as Greg Hamilton does the introductions but Cole cuts him off and jokes about not speaking over the ring announcer. Bryan comes down the ramp with Gulak and tries to lead a “yes!” chant to an empty arena. Cole confirms Bryan vs. Cesaro instead of the tag team match indicated earlier. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Cole is at the announce table while Bryan and Drew Gulak wait in the ring with the referee. Triple H is filming him, joking about filling in as a cameraman. Cole shows us this week’s WWE Backstage segment that said former NFL player Rob Gronkowski was in talks with WWE. We go back to Cole and he confirms that Gronk is coming to WWE as a Superstar. Gronk’s good friend Mojo Rawley joins the announce table. Mojo said he talked to Gronk earlier today and the rumors are true – the former New England Patriot is coming to WWE. Mojo says nothing has been signed yet, but Gronk will be here next week. Mojo, who is a RAW Superstar, will also be here next week. Mojo tries to get Cole hyped up as he leaves the announce table. We go back to the ring and out comes Cesaro with Shinsuke Nakamura and new WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn.
Nakamura watches from ringside while Sami joins Cole and Triple H on commentary. Back and forth to start the match. Cesaro ends up turning it around and unloading on Bryan as Gulak also looks on from ringside. Cesaro unloads in the corner and beats Bryan down with forearms and uppercuts. We go to commercial with Cesaro in control.
Back from the break and Cesaro dominates Bryan. Bryan fights back and we go back and forth for a few minutes. They go to the mat and trade more counters and pin attempts. Bryan rolls Cesaro up out of nowhere for the win.
Winner: Daniel Bryan
– After the match, Cesaro is shocked as Bryan’s music hits. Nakamura immediately hits the ring and starts pounding on Bryan. Gulak makes the save but the numbers game catches up as Sami also joins in. Gulak gets launched into the steel ring steps. Bryan does a suicide dive to Nakamura but barely connects, sending him into the ring post. This is a bad watch as we hear the referee echoing as she yells at them. It’s really been like this all night, a strange look. Cole mentions how he’s not sure if we have enough referees here tonight to break things up. Things finally settle down at ringside as Bryan’s music starts back up.
At WWE Elimination Chamber, Braun Strowman will defend the Intercontinental Championship against the combined forces of Shinsuke Nakamura, Cesaro & Sami Zayn.
Since conquering Nakamura to lay claim to the workhorse title, Strowman has been a major disruption to both the former titleholder and his cohorts Cesaro and Zayn, to say the least. Most recently, the fierce champion joined forced with Elias to overcome The Artist & The Swiss Cyborg in a Symphony of Destruction Match — a contest that saw The Monster Among Men powerslam Shinsuke off the Commentators’ desk onto a grand piano and leading to his adversary receiving nine staples in the back of his head.
In the wake of that onslaught, a contract signing was set up for a one-on-one rematch between Strowman and Nakamura for WWE Elimination Chamber. But, when Zayn asked to further review the contract, Strowman remarked that he would end up fighting all three of his foes no matter what the contract said and he signed it. Seizing the moment, Zayn held Strowman to his word. As a result, a 3-on-1 Handicap Match for the title was made official. In the wake of the signing, the three Superstars ganged up on the titleholder and put him through the table. And the rest, as they say, is … hysteria.
Don’t miss all the carnage of WWE Elimination Chamber, streaming live on the award-winning WWE Network, March 8, beginning at 7 ET/4 PT!